Date: Tuesday, 11th November 2008
Duration: ½ Day (2.00-5.00pm). Including Refreshments.
Venue: Fitzpatrick's Castle Hotel, Killiney, Co. Dublin
Who should attend?
This seminar is ideal for owner/mangers of small businesses who are looking to develop a web strategy that will deliver sales in challenging times. The event is the latest in the successful series of collaborations between DLRCEB and IIA (Irish Internet Association).
eBuisiness Seminar - Agenda
Drive Customers to your site
Search Engine Optimisation
- Anthony Quigley, CEO,
Anthony Quigley is one of the leaders in the Online Marketing sector in Ireland. He founded offline marketing services provider, Xanthal, 5 years ago and mor recently established to address this fast expanding online markleting sector. Anthony is well published, is regularly asked to speak on various online marketing topics.
Effective Email Marketing Strategies to Grow your Business
- Cathy McGovern, Director,
Cathy has published many articles on Online Marketing and co-copywrote the book "Practical eBusiness" for Enterprise Ireland. She has served as a Board member of the Irish Direct Marketing Association (IDMA) and is a regular speaker and Marketing Conferences. She has also founded Sweetsell, an online marketing sister agency, specialising in online software solutions and services for the Hotel and Hospitality sectors.
Podcasting, Blogging and Social Radio
- Brian Greene, Director,
Doop - Digital Media Consultants
Brian is a Podcasting, Blogging & Social Media Consultant. Brian has a passion for podcasting and digital radio. A supporter of all things Open Source, Brian’s mix of scripting, coding and advocacy in Open Community blend with the practical appliance of business requirements in an ever changing technology landscape.
Case Study
- Eamonn Grant,
Case study presentation from Eamonn on his business conceived and exectued a successful eBusiness strategy.
Book Your Place
Only €30 per person (Including Refreshments). Places are strictly limited so booking in advance is essential.
To book & pay for a place(s) now, follow the link below. For help, contact Lisa Brown on (01) 494 8400.