(23 May 2011)
Date: Saturday, 23rd May 2009
Duration: 1 Day (9.30am - 4.30pm). Including Light Lunch.
Venue: Institute of Art, Design & Technology (IADT), Kill Avenue, Dun Laoghaire, Co. Dublin. Location Map.
Who should attend?
This course is ideal for owner/mangers of small businesses who are looking to get their finances organised using MS Excel. Participants should have a basic level of Excel and will be sent a questionnaire prior to the course.
Each participant will be encouraged to submit a personal spreadsheet they would like to improve. The version of Excel used on the course is Excel 2007 which Excel 2002/2003 users have adapted to very quickly.
Accounting Using Excel - Agenda
1: Accounting Jargon & Basics
2: Quick Exercies in Excel Basics
3: Building a simple Transaction Recording spreadsheet
4: Building a simple Cashflow speadsheet
5: How spreadsheets work with Accouting sofware packages
6: Building a simple monthly Profit & Loss spreadsheet
Book Your Place
Only €85 per person. Places are limited.
To book & pay for a place(s) now, follow the link below.
For help, contact Lisa Brown on (01) 494 8400.
NB: Campus parking is 50c/hr for the first 4 hours and €2/hr for further hours