
Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown
County Enterprise Awards 2006

Calling small business owners! The Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Enterprise Board invites you to enter their Enterprise Awards competition for 2006! 
Who can enter?
The competition is open to all micro-enterprises (businesses with 10 employees or less), new & old, located in the County (See Map).

Over €10,000 in prizes up for grabs!
 Raise your business profile! Why not nominate your business or tell a friend?

5 Award Categories

Applications must be received by Friday, Sept 15th 2006 at the latest. The prize giving ceremony takes place in Fitzpatrick's Killiney Castle hotel on Monday, October 2nd 2006.

Download an Application Form

Click here to download Enterprise Awards 2006 App Form (MS Word 803kb)

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