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Small Business Training & Networking
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Start date: 17 Jan 2011
Are you looking to start your own business ? Be your own boss ? DLR CEB is running a four-week course (one evening a week) just for you! Course starts on Monday, Jan 17th. �100 per person. Call (01) 494 8400 to book your place!

View more: Classroom Courses
View more: Business development

Start date: 18 Jan 2011
Ever been confused by financial jargon which creates a barrier between you and your accountant? This course will help you to demystify the priniciples of financial management. Course starts on Wed, Jan 18th. �100 per person. Call (01) 494 8400.

View more: Networking Programmes
View more: Business development

Small Business Funding
Feasibility, Employment, Capital & Preference Shares. Enquire Today!

Business Networking
3 Ways for you to network with other businesses!

Cross-Border Funding! Partnering with businesses
in Northern Ireland ?

Start Your Own Business, Book-keeping & Finance, Sales & Marketing, Taxation.
Book your place Today!

Information on business structures, name & tax registration, planning ...

Dun Laoghaire-Rathdown County Enterprise Board is funded by the Irish Government and the EU Structural Funds under the National Development Plan 2000-2006.
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