Enterprise Boards
35 City & County Enterprise Boards in Ireland
There is at least one County or City Enterprise Board in every county.
To find yours, search from the list below or visit www.enterpriseboards.ie
Board | Web | Phone |
Carlow | www.carlow-ceb.com | (059) 9130880 |
Cavan | www.cavanenterprise.ie | (049) 4377277 |
Clare | www.clare-ceb.ie | (065) 6841922 |
Cork City | www.corkceb.ie | (021) 4961828 |
Cork North | www.theenterpriseoffice.com | (022) 43235 |
Cork South | www.sceb.ie | (021) 4975281 |
Cork West | www.wceb.ie | (023) 34700 |
Donegal | www.donegalenterprise.ie | (074) 9160735 |
Dublin City | www.dceb.ie | (01) 6776068 |
Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown | www.dlrceb.ie | (01) 4948 400 |
Dublin South | www.sdenterprise.ie | (01) 4057073 |
Fingal | www.fingalceb.ie | (01) 8900800 |
Galway | www.galwayenterprise.ie | (091) 565269 |
Kerry | www.kerryceb.ie | (066) 7183522 |
Kildare | www.kildareceb.ie | (045) 861707 |
Kilkenny | www.kceb.ie | (056) 7752662 |
Laois | www.laoisenterprise.com | (0502) 61800 |
Leitrim | www.leitrimenterprise.ie | (071) 9620450 |
Limerick City | www.limceb.ie | (061) 312611 |
Limerick County | www.lcoeb.ie | (061) 319319 |
Longford | www.longfordceb.ie | (043) 42757 |
Louth | www.lceb.ie | (042) 9327099 |
Mayo | www.mayoceb.com | (094) 9024444 |
Meath | www.meath.com | (046) 9078400 |
Monaghan | www.mceb.ie | (047) 71818 |
Offaly | www.offalyceb.ie | (057) 9352971 |
Roscommon | www.roscommon.ie | (0906) 626263 |
Sligo | www.sligoenterprise.ie | (071) 9144779 |
Tipperary North | www.tnceb.ie | (067) 33086 |
Tipperary South | www.southtippceb.ie | (052) 29466 |
Waterford City | www.waterfordceb.com | (051) 852883 |
Waterford County | www.enterpriseboard.ie | (058) 44811 |
Westmeath | www.westmeath-enterprise.ie | (044) 49222 |
Wexford | www.wexfordceb.ie | (053) 22965 |
Wicklow | www.wicklowceb.ie | (0404) 67100 |